Do Tanning Pills Dehydrate You?

There are many over the counter medicines and supplements that contain ingredients that may cause dehydration as they act as a diuretic. Others may contain ingredients that make you more sensitive to the sun and heat, which can also lead to dehydration. There is, however, no evidence to suggest that tanning tablets cause dehydration. Within…

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Do Tanning Tablets Make You Lose or Gain Weight and Can they Cause Water Retention?

As with many side effects of tanning tablets, the possibility of weight loss or gain is purely down to what ingredients are in the tablets. Ingredients such as beta-carotene and canthaxanthin are used in several food products and contain animal fats which may cause you to gain weight. The tablets that contain ingredients, such as…

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Do Tanning Tablets Cause Stomach Cramp?

Tans are as fashionable in this day and age as the latest trends in shoes and clothing. Due to this recent phenomenon many people are taking tanning tablets as a safer option to sunbeds or spending time in the sun. But Do Tanning Pills Cause Stomach Cramps? One of the side effects often associated with…

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Should I Stay Out of the Sun if Using Tanning Pills?

Taking tanning tablets makes little difference to your exposure to the sun compared to when you don’t take the tablets. This, however, does not mean that it is explicitly safe or unsafe to do so. Many factors including the ingredients in the tablets, your natural skin tone, and time in the sun and exposure to…

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Can Tanning Tablets be Taken Alongside CBD Oil?

Research suggests that there is pretty much little to no evidence that suggests that it is not safe to take tanning tablets alongside CBD oil. There are even several tanning tablets out there that actually contain CBD oil. Individual Health As with most things the health of a particular individual should be considered when taking…

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